姚恒, 男, 汉族, 1982年9月出生,副教授 , 是否博导:否, 是否硕导:是, 校、院内任职:无
2000-2004 合肥工业大学通信工程专业本科;2005-2008 上海师范大学通信与信息系统硕士;2008-2012 上海大学信号与信息处理博士;2012-2018 上海理工大学电气工程系评为讲师;2018-至今上海理工大学测试与信息工程系评为副教授
1.国家自然科学基金青年项目(基金号:61702332)基于高阶统计分析和局部同质性约束的图像噪声不一致性取证研究,2018-2020 主持
2.广西多源信息挖掘与安全重点实验室开放基金(基金号:MIMS16-03)基于成像机理分析的数字多媒体真实性取证研究,2017-2018 主持
3.国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:61672354) 基于分布式信源编码和边信息优化机制的密文域图像可逆信息隐藏研究,2017-2020 参与
[1] H. Yao, X. Liu, Z. Tang, C. Qin*, Y. Tian, Adaptive image camouflage using human visual system model, Multimedia Tools and Applications (Online, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-018-6813-8). (SCI - indexed, 2017 Impact Factor: 1.541)
[2] H. Yao, X. Liu, Z. Tang, Y.C. Hu, C. Qin*, An improved image camouflage technique using color difference channel transformation and optimal prediction-error expansion, IEEE Access 6 (2018) 40569 - 40584. (SCI - indexed, 2017 Impact Factor: 3.557)
[3] H. Yao*, F. Cao, Z. Tang, J. Wang, T. Qiao, Expose noise level inconsistency incorporating the inhomogeneity scoring strategy, Multimedia Tools and Applications 77(14) (2018) 18139-18161. (SCI - indexed, 2017 Impact Factor: 1.541)
[4] H. Yao, C. Qin, Z. Tang*, X. Zhang, A general framework for shiftable position-based dual-image reversible data hiding, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 41. (SCI - indexed, 2017 Impact Factor: 1.737)
[5] H. Yao*, S. Wang, X. Zhang, C. Qin, J. Wang, Detecting Image Splicing Based on Noise Level Inconsistency, Multimedia Tools and Applications 76 (10) (2017) 12457-12479. (SCI - indexed, 2016 Impact Factor: 1.530)
[6] H. Yao*, C. Qin, Z. Tang, Y. Tian, Guided filtering based color image reversible data hiding, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 43 (2017) 152-163. (SCI - indexed, 2016 Impact Factor: 2.164)
[7] H. Yao*, C. Qin, Z. Tang, Y. Tian, Improved dual-image reversible data hiding method using the selection strategy of shiftable pixels' coordinates with minimum distortion, Signal Processing 135 (2017) 26-35. (SCI - indexed, 2016 Impact Factor: 3.110)
[8] H. Yao, S. Song, C. Qin, Z. Tang*, X. Liu, Detection of double-compressed H.264/AVC video incorporating the features of the string of data bits and skip macroblocks. Symmetry 9(12) (2017) 313. (SCI - indexed, 2016 Impact Factor: 1.457)
[9] H. Yao*, S. Wang, Y. Zhao, X. Zhang, Detecting Image Forgery Using Perspective Constraints, IEEE Signal Processing Letters 19 (3) (2012) 123-126. (SCI - indexed, 2016 Impact Factor: 2.528)
[10] M. Yuan, H. Yao*, C. Qin, Y. Tian, A dynamic hand gesture recognition system incorporating orientation-based linear extrapolation predictor and velocity-assisted longest common subsequence algorithm, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems 11 (9) (2017) 4491-4509. (SCI - indexed, 2016 Impact Factor: 0.452)
[11] Q. Zhou, H. Yao*, F. Cao, Y.C. Hu, Efficient image compression based on side match vector quantization and digital inpainting, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (Online, DOI: 10.1007/s11554-018-0800-1) (SCI - indexed, 2017 Impact Factor: 1.574)
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更及时论文清单详见个人主页: http://www.yaoheng.info/chn.html
现担任IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Multimedia Tools and Applications,IETE Technique Review等国际期刊审稿人
[1] 数字图像取证技术
[2] 图像处理与模式识别
[3] 多媒体信息隐藏